Learn on the Easy Ways to Alter a Leather Jacket

Whether you have bought a leather jacket which is not so expensive, it is very easy to alter the size of the jacket in order to make a good fit. Adjusting the jacket is fairly an easy job to do. All you need to know is few essentials of sewing it. Alter a Leather JacketMaterials you will need

  • Pins
  • Thread
  • Needle
Tips The first and foremost thing to do is wearing the leather jacket. With the help of your friend you can directly stand up straight and get the best fit for yourself. Simply stand in front of the mirror and look how the jacket fits you well and how you want your jacket in the desired fit and curve. With a cloth pencil or chalk, all you need to do is mark the areas where the jacket must end properly with the help of the pins. Check out the arm’s length at the cuffs and also the jacket at the hip area with the side seams and even the button closure. The next step is to put a hem on the sleeves at the cuffs. Make use of a seam ripper in order to divide the inside layering of the jacket to the genuine leather fabric on the reverse side of the cuff. Just ensure that you perform this process very carefully and gently so as to not damage the fabric. Now, alter the arm to the exact length and pin it up in its place. Use needles and thread to sew up the jacket to the lining with stitches. Put some pressure on the cuffs with a hot iron. Take out the buttons out from the jacket with a ripper and do this step carefully. Now use the ripper to separate the inside layering from the leather fabric with the base of the jacket and then twist the jacket back to front. Alter the side seams to its exact size and fasten it to its place. Sew a straight stitch below the sides beginning of the armhole to the bottom. After this step, use a hot iron and press again on the jacket so that it stays firm and proper. Use needle and thread to sew up the inside layering of the jacket with the help of a whip stitch. Make the final adjustments like where the buttons and hook must go. Attach the buttons properly and you will be amazed with the look of your jacket which hardly took any time of yours.

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