Leather, fashion and celebrities: an inseparable bond

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Leather jacket is a timeless fabric which can be styled as per the fad. I am sure nobody has forgotten the dashing look donned by Marlon Brando in ‘50s’ movie! Although style has changed with fashion, leather clothing has never gone out of fashion – no matter what the era is! Simply put, leather clothing is one of the most sought after items, especially with celebrities! Usually animal’s skin is used to make various leather-based products such as jackets, handbags, gloves, belts, and many more. Some of the most commonly used types of leather are cow leather, sheep leather, buffalo leather, etc. Generally, sheep leather is the preferred over other types of leather garments. Styling with leather Why leather clothing is a big hit? What makes celebrity choose leather clothing more often? Read on and know about it… Leather clothing has been around from time immemorial. It rose to the prominence of the fashion industry because it not only offers a glamorous appeal but also adds a dash of elegance to any ensemble. In fact, leather clothing has always basked in the limelight. Many a time, leather clothing has caused a stir but at the same time, it has brought criticism to the celebrities too. Madonna, a big fan of leather garments, has many times sported her bold attitude with sultry looking sheath and kinky leather boots. Similarly, George Michael fascination for leather clothing is clearly evident from his videos. Also, leather clothing is a synonym for cowboys. Their association has been inseparable. The leather chaps worn by actors doing cowboy roles created quite a rage a few decades ago In the ‘80s and ‘90s, leather-clothing items like jackets and gloves became a big hit; especially the sexy biker look donned by Arnold in the movie ‘Terminator 2’. Besides, leather jackets and pants gained more popularity with ‘Rockers and Pop-Stars’ wearing leather garments in each of their videos. In fact, the look of rock stars was incomplete without leather clothing. Wearing leather pants became a rage when Michael Jackson sported them as he danced the moonwalk. Thus, leather clothing and celebrities have a long indivisible bond as leather clothing becomes a trend when celebrities don them and celebrities create a fad with a uniquely looking fashion piece, made of leather.

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